#54 Jonathan Ayling - Cello

Our Midday Music concerts are free, however to see this series continue we need to rely now more than ever on the support of our audience. Please consider making a donation on our website here. Thank you.

We are thrilled to welcome cellist Jonathan Ayling back to our series, recorded live on Tuesday 13th April with a performance of Bach's solo Cello Suite No 5 in C minor.

Jonathan Ayling is Co-Principal Cello of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. As a chamber musician he has performed as part of the Aldeburgh Festival, as well as at prestigious venues including Wigmore Hall, London and Carnegie Hall, New York. Jonathan has played Guest Principal Cello with many of the UK’s leading orchestras and is a regular recital and concerto soloist.


#55 Ensemble Reza


#53 Miriam Teppich - Violin