#52 Dominic Ferris - Piano

Our Midday Music concerts are free, however to see this series continue we need to rely now more than ever on the support of our audience. Please consider making a donation on our website here. Thank you.

We were thrilled to welcome Dominic Ferris, Steinway Artist, singer and music producer to our Ensemble Reza Midday Music concert on Tuesday 30th March at 12noon. Dominic performed a variety of music including Debussy, Gershwin and Elton John.

In a change to our usual format, Dominic also played a selection of showstopper requests from our live YouTube and Facebook audience.

Dominic Ferris is a Steinway Artist, singer and music producer. Throughout 2020, he worked with Dame Shirley Bassey on her new album I Owe It All To You, providing arrangements and piano recordings. Dominic has performed on and provided orchestrations for eight top ten albums since 2015, recorded at Abbey Road Studios. Recent recording collaborations include Michael Ball & Alfie Boe and the symphonic albums of Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison and The Beach Boys with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, selling over 3 million albums worldwide.

Dominic’s recent live appearances include BBC Radio 2’s Friday Night Is Music Night and Elvis Presley: Live On Screen tours, including the 40th anniversary performance at Graceland with Priscilla Presley.

Dominic grew up in Hove and attended St Christopher’s School and Hurstpierpoint College before going on to study at the Royal College of Music.

 W: www.dominicferris.com

 F: @dominicferrismusic IG:@dominicferrismusic


#53 Miriam Teppich - Violin


#51 Jacob Fichert - Piano